

By October 11, 2012 January 4th, 2016 No Comments

Cynthia Corado is a ceramic artist of sculpture and pottery. Originally from a city called Rosemead in Los Angeles County, she moved to Orange County to study at the University of Califorina, Irvine, where she received her Bachelor of Arts in Art History and Psychology. Throughout her studies in art history, she became most fascinated by modern and contemporary art and the artist process. She then took various courses in studio art to gain a hands on understanding of materials, techniques, and experimentation. She is most inspired by the emotions seen in the paintings, drawings and prints of Edvard Munch, the layers of texture on paintings by Vincent Van Gogh, and the forms and bold designs of Pablo Picasso’s ceramics.

Current Location: Costa Mesa, California

Creative Medium: Ceramics

Finish this sentence: I’m a Creative Creature because…
I like to make things. My favorite part of creating would have to be the process. I enjoy finding objects and exploring the possibilities of what they can become.

What inspires you to create?
Flowers, vines, trees, and the symmetry of wrought iron gates. I am also inspired by the ornate decoration of Gothic architecture.

Who is your favorite artist?
Edvard Munch