

By April 25, 2012 January 4th, 2016 No Comments
Melissa Salazar is an inspired artist dedicated to exploring traditional art forms and crafting honest work with her own two hands. She earned her Bachelors of Fine Arts Degree from the University of California, Santa Cruz, where she fell in love with the purity of skillful printmaking processes. In 2011, she adventured eastward to practice and perfect the arts of printmaking, bookmaking, and papermaking. Her diligent work at non-profit art organizations in both Maryland and New York City allowed her to experience new visions and ideas. Although the east coast certainly has its charm, her heart belongs to the California coastline. She recently returned to the motherland and resides in Dana Point, where she works as a floral designer, as well as educates the talented young artists of Creative Creatures & Co.


Current Location: Dana Point, California

Creative Medium: Printmaking

Finish this sentence: I’m a Creative Creature because…
I was made to create/develop/practice/produce/discover. I get it from my father.

What inspires you to create?
Tall trees; aging faces; written and spoken words; the natural world; worn-down, well-weathered forms and figures.

Who is your favorite artist?
Kathe Kollwitz. No contest.